Sunday, June 30, 2013

Activity 6 Twitter

I guess I don''t really get it or get it yet. I seem to have plenty to do- how do people survive without 10 weeks of vacation? I not sure I can manage to add twitter to my life. 

Activity 5 Using Google Chrome-Good Bad and maybe Ugly

For years the district has locked our computers from using anything by Explorer and it was great this year to find out that we can use Chrome. However, I'm a little leary of giving so much data to Google- it is weird and amazing and then creepy how a search for a vacation activity last year continues to produce popup ads for a activity that I queries 16 months ago.
I installed Angry birds
 Switcher, goo,gle shortern and btly shortern (which is used to always need a google search to find)

So what is the difference between and App and a Extension? I'll google it and tell you :

Basically, an application is something that has its own UI and is displayed in the browser window. Separately, extensions notify and otherwise enhance the web experience. - here’s no "better" approach here; apps and extensions are simply different creatures. Let’s understand apps first. They are just how they sound: applications you can run inside your browser with a dedicated user interface and, typically, rich user interaction. We’ve already had the concept of “web apps” in the browser for a few years, as something more rich and interactive than a website, but less cumbersome and monolithic than a desktop application. Examples include games, photo editors, and video players; all of these categories are viable as tightly focused apps running inside the browser. Google Chrome is just formalizing the web app concept in a way that will be familiar to anyone who’s used apps on a smartphone."

How about extensions? Extensions also provide functionality, but unlike apps, there is little or no UI component. Instead, they extend the functionality of Google Chrome and the websites being viewed in it. For example, they can extend Google Chrome by adding a new button to the address bar, such as an ever-present currency converter. Buttons like this can also apply to the current website being viewed—for example, click the currency converter button to convert all prices on the website you’re viewing. want more details  (from )

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Activity 4 Weiland's Google Docs in the Classroom

Write a blog post reflecting on your Google Apps for Education experience. Include at least three ideas for using Google Apps in your classroom and/or your own professional learning and productivity. At least one idea should reflect a collaborative use

My favorite App is Flubaroo.  I see this having multiple uses.  First, HPHS teachers who teach Juniors are encouraged to do ACT Science Prep work.  With this new tool, we can write practice ACT sample work and have the students complete the work online and at their own pace.  The autograde feature allows for rapid analysis of results and the ability to give feedback to the students.

Combining Flubaroo with a shared Google Form would allow course teams to create practice exam or reading guides for their course.  For example, my textbook has 30-50 end of the chapter questions.  If this information is transferred to a Google Form- the work can be provided to students for homework and in the morning the   teacher can review the results and see which topics need to be reviewed.  The teacher could ignore the “easy” questions.  By sharing the document, different team members can choose the chapter review questions that make the most sense for their class. 

Google Docs- Are used by my Robotics teams to maintain a group journal of their journey through the season.  This electronic diary allows all 5-10 members of the team to work together and create a standard consistent product even when multiple members are creating the form.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This is awesome tool and very easy to use.  A team could create a form that is shared by different teachers. Could be a great way to check to see if work is being done.

Monday, June 17, 2013

POST 1: From Activity 1 - Reflections on Lifelong Learning

  • Which habit(s) may be most challenging for you to employ as part of your D113 Learning 2.0 experience?  #1 Begin with end in mind. I often jump into projects without putting ernough effort into thinking about the final project.

  • Which habit(s) will be easiest, or are most resonant for you as a lifelong learner?  #2 Accepting Responsibility for your Learning.   I recently acquired a 3d printer and it was been a challenge to get it up and running consistently.  I've need help from friends, the internet and customer support to get it working. It was been a two-three month project but finally it is working consistently.  I;ve also enjoyed helping my son learn to solve some problems.

  • Which habit do you think will be most important for you as you work through this course, and why? #3 View Problems as Challenges- this year my formal observations identified some issues within the framework of the Danielson evaluation model.  At first, the unsatisfactory/basic performance could have been depressing.  however, I looked at this evaluation as a way to become a more effective educator.  Over the next few months, i implemented a number of structural changes to classroom management.  These new tools helped me be a better educator and helped my students use their time more effectively. 
Web 2.0 and How games can change the world.  I saw this video a few years ago Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world  and read her book
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.  I think this material is the bases for "crowd source solutions".  See also .

I have been looking for a platform to use this concept and experimented with a site called  or see jane comment on this idea  Many students did participate in the project doing extra "school" work.  I also give students opportunites to work with quizlets- editing my files and trying multiple times to improve their scores.